Monday, January 28, 2008
John McCAIN the RINO
Does Ann COULTER make any sense when she states, "If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans."? If McCain is elected president then she is wrong. None of them have any brains and it is time to start over.
Now that the NY Times has endorsed McCAIN for the Republican nomination. If he becomes the Republican nominee, watch how fast the very same MSM reminds us of John McCAIN's involvement with "The Keating 5". They will sound just like Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar when in "Heaven On Their Minds" he laments:
And remember, I've been your right hand man all along.
You have set them all on fire.
They think they've found the new Messiah.
And they'll hurt you when they find they're wrong.
On Pennsylvania's First Senate District race
As long as there is not a criminal in the Pennsylvania First Senate District seat I'll be happy. “Vinnie” FUMO had decided that he was untouchable. How, after an indictment on 141 counts, can he claim, in good faith, to be representing Pennsylvanians, let alone those from the "City of Brotherly Love?" Perhaps he started out that way but it is clear he is representing his own self interest now. Power may corrupt but it does not have to corrupt.
On another note, why should the rest of the Commonwealth have to subsidize public transportation for the cities? I-80 is seldom used by folks from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh so it is no hardship for them to support paying for public transportation with OPM (other people’s money.) According to the indictment, this was FUMO’s method of financing his projects. The Highway Trust Fund is funded by monies that were garnished from gasoline receipts. The states are to use these funds for the stated purpose of the legislation, to build/maintain roads and bridges. Taking money from this fund for any other purpose is misappropriation of funds. How can any candidate be trusted when that is their stated plan? Why do we elect the candidate whose stated purpose is the raid the treasury for funds to enrich his or her district alone? If lower taxes are ever to be accomplished, we must stop electing politicians who want “to bring home the pork.”
With regard to stricter gun control in Philadelphia, since when is it legal to have a handgun in Philadelphia without a permit? Philadelphia has a law on the books regarding weapons in the city that does not apply to anywhere else in the state (PA Crimes Code 6108 - Carrying firearms on public streets or public property in Philadelphia). Why has that not curbed gun violence? Laws do not curb violence and an unarmed citizen is easy prey. Let’s not forget what Ben FRANKLIN had to say about armed citizens and Democracy:
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.
Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Hillary won?
Some believe it was the voting machines:
Hillary victory tainted by vote fraud claims
But then again, maybe it is just practice for the General Election; Vote Early and Vote Often. Typical Democratic election ploy. Obama, say you didn't miss that trick in Chicago of all places?